Our company offers you the technology of purification, SEPARATION and LIQUEFATION OF FLUE GASES, in addition to preventing pollution of nature PROFIT by selling liquefied CO2, SO2, N2O and concentrated liquid flue gas as well.
The new technology is based on the transfer of flue gas through the gas-hydrate state. Gas hydrate is an inclusion compound – an ice structure (framework) created by hydrogen bonds between water molecules, contains inside the frame foreign gas molecules held inside by the forces of electrostatic attraction (Van der Waals forces). These gravitational forces are summed up by hydrogen bonds, helping them to form ice at elevated temperatures.
The technology uses known physical effects:
1. The components of flue gases when in contact with water at certain temperatures and pressures and during heat removal form “hot ice” – gas hydrates.
2. When gas hydrates melt in a confined space, the pressure increases tens or even hundreds of times. When a pressure greater than the pressure of the gas on the elastic curve is reached, the gas liquefies.
If you are interested, we are ready to provide additional information.